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Environmental Perspectives and Issues




Callisto Reference



Publication Year



Environmental Sciences




140 $


We live in the age and era of science and technology. Our life has indeed been dominated by the scientific inventions and technological innovations. This world would be an absolutely poorer place without science and technology. Our charming and worth living life itself would become absolutely bleak and boring in absence of the scientific inventions and technological advancement being witnessed by us all over the globe. As a matter of fact scientific inventions, discoveries and innovations have indeed ushered in a cataclysmic revolution all over the world and in almost every field of life. Volumes may be spoken and written to highlight the universally acknowledged importance and usefulness of science and technology. But at the same time we and our environment are confronting a number of challenges for our sustenance and as such we liked to write this book very briefly so as to generate awareness among the people for the protection of our environment. The book is systematically divided into chapters in such a way that it deals with major components of Environmental Science and the chapters offer an overall insight into various aspects of environmental science. This more concise presentation focuses on key principles, scientific methods and ideas, and life-long learning skills of students. It provides a solid foundation in scientific approaches to environmental problems and solutions. We have also tried to integrate information from a wide range of disciplines from both natural and social sciences to make it suitable for the non-science background students.