Results 171 - 180 of 7198
Image Date Title

Low Carbon Economy: Volume III

Author : Shania Gomes

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632394552

The concept of Low Carbon Economy is relatively new and research in this area is gradually emerging. The recent climatic changes and increase in the carbon emission has drawn focus to this area of study.

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Low Carbon Economy: Volume II

Author : Shania Gomes

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632394545

The concept of Low Carbon Economy is relatively new and research in this area is gradually emerging. The recent climatic changes and increase in the carbon emission has drawn focus to this area of study.

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Low Carbon Economy: Volume I

Author : Shania Gomes

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632394538

The concept of Low Carbon Economy is relatively new and research in this area is gradually emerging. The recent climatic changes and increase in the carbon emission has drawn focus to this area of study.

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Livestock Production: Genetics, Breeding and Management

Author : Carlos Hassey

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632394521

A descriptive account regarding livestock production has been presented in this book including its genetics, breeding as well as management. This book is unique in its approach as it has been designed

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Lipoproteins: Current Concepts

Author : Caroline Gardner

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394514

This book elucidates the current concepts evolving in the area of lipoproteins. Searching for the word “lipoprotein” in the databases of Medline or PubMed, one gets more than 100, 000 results which

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Lipid Peroxidation: Current Topics

Author : Donna Thompson

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394507

Lipid peroxidation is essentially the oxidative degradation of lipids. This book focuses on current advances made in lipid peroxidation. The data compiled in this book has been contributed by researchers

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Lipid Peroxidation

Author : Donna Thompson

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394491

Lipid peroxidation has been an area of interest for scientists across the globe. This book focuses on current advances made in lipid peroxidation. The data compiled in this book has been contributed by

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Lipid Metabolism

Author : Donna Thompson

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394484

Lipids (fats and oils) are an extensive range of organic molecules that activate several functions in organisms. Lipids are essential components of our diet, focusing on their important contribution in

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Layered Deposits: Stratigraphic Studies

Author : Joe Carry

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781632394477

Stratigraphic analyses of layered deposits are described in this all-inclusive book. Stratigraphy is a geological sub-specialty which is defined as the science of describing the lateral and vertical relationships

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Latest Research in Bioinformatics: Volume II

Author : Christina Marshall

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394460

This book is dedicated to the progress of bioinformatics. It discusses the various concepts, algorithms, modes and modules for collaborating information for a comprehensive usage. The book strikes a unique

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Results 171 - 180 of 7198