Results 851 - 860 of 7198
Image Date Title

Essentials of Bacteriology

Author : Ricky Parks

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632398147

An essential part of microbiology is bacteriology. It is concerned with the study of bacteria. It includes the examination of their structure, their classification, identification and characterization.

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Environmental Protection: Techniques and Sustainability Measures

Author : Kane Harlow

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398758

Environmental protection is defined as a set of processes that protect the quality of the environment in the face of pollution and harmful contaminants. This book on environmental protection deals with

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Environmental Microbiology

Author : Rosemary Charles

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398352

Environmental microbiology also referred to as microbial ecology, is the study of microorganisms and their relation and interaction to each other and the environment. As microorganisms play a very important

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Environmental Conservation and Endangered Species

Author : Jason Hendon

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398253

This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of ecological conservation and endangered species. It also focuses on the interrelation between the two. Species of plants and animals at the risk

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Environmental Biotechnology: Theory, Concepts and Applications

Author : Emma Layer

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632398628

The objective of this book is to give a general view of the different areas of environmental biotechnology and its applications. A field of study that is used for harnessing biological process for industrial

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Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development

Author : George Thomson

Subject : Energy

ISBN :9781632398963

Energy efficiency is the process whereby the per unit consumption of electricity is greatly reduced. This book on energy efficiency and sustainable development discusses a variety of topics related to

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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Pollution

Author : Bruce Horak

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398192

Ecotoxicology is the study of the effects of pollutants present in the atmosphere on population, wildlife and the environment. This book discusses the imminent dangers that are faced by our ecosystem due

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Ecosystem Functioning and Restoration

Author : Francis Lawrence

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398314

Ecosystem functioning is the process whereby ecosystems enable the interaction of various organisms in its environment. This book on ecosystem functioning and restoration provides in-depth analysis of

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Ecological Sustenance and Management

Author : Jeffery Clarke

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398284

Sustainable development is defined as a process of sustaining the environment by meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future to meet their own needs. In the

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Ecological Risk Assessment

Author : Francis Lawrence

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398307

Ecological risk assessment is defined as the monitoring of ecological resources to calculate changes and hazards faced by the ecosystems. Long-term damage can lead to larger sections of wildlife and flora

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Results 851 - 860 of 7198