Results 261 - 270 of 563
Image Date Title

Handbook of Organic Waste Management

Author : Ollie Hall

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162623

Organic waste refers to the waste that can be broken down into carbon dioxide, methane, water or simple organic molecules by the action of micro-organisms or other living things. This is possible through

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Hydroinformatics: Analysis and Modeling

Author : Roman Morris

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641163460

The branch of informatics which deals with the application of information and communication technologies in addressing the problems related to the use of water is referred to as hydroinformatics. It primarily

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Hydrometry: Principles and Practice

Author : Danny Fuller

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162999

The monitoring of the components of the hydrological cycle is known as hydrometry. It includes rainfall, groundwater characteristics, water quality and flow characteristics of surface waters. Hydrometrics

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Introduction to Ecology

Author : Curtis Carson

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164597

The field of biology which focuses on the interactions between the biophysical environment and the organisms which dwell in it is known as ecology. It is closely related to the sciences of genetics, ethology

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Introduction to Landscape Architecture

Author : Marvin Conner

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164351

Landscape architecture is involved in the designing of outdoor areas, landmarks and structures in order to achieve environmental and social-behavioral outcomes. It focuses on the systematic investigation

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Landscape Ecology: Theory and Practice

Author : Bobby Perez

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162678

Landscape ecology is an interdisciplinary field in systems science. The relationships between ecological processes in the environment and ecosystems are studied and improved in landscape ecology. The human

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Natural Resources: Exploitation, Depletion and Conservation

Author : Katherine Potter

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164320

The resources that exist naturally and without actions of humankind are known as natural resources. Some of the varied natural resources that are available on Earth are sunlight, water, land and atmosphere

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Noise Pollution

Author : Noel Templeton

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164603

The propagation of noise which has harmful impacts on the animal life or human activity is known as noise pollution. Some of the common sources of noise pollution are machines, airplanes, loud music and

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Sustainable Management of Forests

Author : Duke Jefferson

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162739

The forests are the areas that are majorly dominated by trees. They are classified into various types such as boreal forests, tropical and subtropical forests, and the forests of temperate zones. Forests

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Understanding Biodiversity

Author : Arianna Reeves

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164221

The variability of life on earth is known as biodiversity. It is primarily concerned with the measurement of the variation at the genetic, species and ecosystem level. Important sub-fields of biodiversity

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Results 261 - 270 of 563