Results 191 - 200 of 348
Image Date Title

Understanding Volcanology

Author : Ben Simmons

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641164160

The rupture in the crust of a planet such as Earth, which allows hot lava, gases and volcanic ash to escape from a magma chamber beneath the surface, is called a volcano. The discipline which is involved

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Advances in Climatology

Author : Dale Sullivan

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641161367

Climatology is the scientific study of climate or weather conditions averaged over an extended period of time. It is instrumental in the forecasting of weather by using analog techniques like El Nino-Southern

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Advances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis

Author : Matt Weilberg

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641160421

Advances in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial analysis have occurred due to the rapid technological developments in the last decade. While remote sensing refers to acquiring information from remote

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Atmospheric Modeling, Analysis and Applications

Author : Bruce Mullan

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641160438

The atmospheric model is a set of mathematical equations that represent atmospheric processes and motions. Dynamic parameterizations of radiation, heat exchange, soil, vegetation, etc. are used here. The

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Atmospheric Science: Chemistry and Physics

Author : Bruce Mullan

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641160445

This book brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of atmospheric science with respect to topics of atmospheric chemistry and physics. As a field of scientific

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Climatology: Concepts and Applications

Author : Dale Sullivan

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641161657

The study of climate and weather conditions averaged over a period of time is within the domain of climatology. It studies a number of analog techniques for weather forecasting and various climate models

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Cryosphere and Environmental Change

Author : Nicolas Judd

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641161053

The cryosphere is that portion of the Earth's surface where water is in solid form. This includes sea ice, river ice, glaciers, permafrost, etc. The cryosphere is an integral part of the climate system

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Earth Science: Current Studies

Author : Jasper O'Brien

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641161992

Earth science is the science that studies the physical constitution of the Earth and its atmosphere. This includes the analysis of the physical characteristics of the Earth, such as earthquakes, floods,

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Earth Surface: Structure and Processes

Author : Joe Carry

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641160506

The study of the Earth surface, its structure and processes, falls under the umbrella of Earth science. The lithosphere forms the outer surface of the Earth. It consists of the upper mantle and crust.

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Earthquake Engineering: Advanced Concepts and Mechanisms

Author : Courtney Silver

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641161831

Earthquake engineering is a field of engineering, which includes designing, and analyzing structures with respect to seismic loading. The main goal of earthquake engineering is to make structures, which

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Results 191 - 200 of 348