Results 841 - 850 of 1573
Image Date Title

Clinical Breast Imaging

Author : Cody Perez

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426284

The reproduction or representation of a breast’s form is done for medical examination using breast imaging. There are several techniques of breast imaging, such as X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance

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Clinical Dermatology

Author : Maximus Turner

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426192

Dermatology is a branch of medicine, which deals with the conditions of the nails, scalp, hair and skin. It is a vast subject, which has a number of significant sub-disciplines. Some of the specializations

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Clinical Endocrinology

Author : Donovan Douglas

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426444

"The endocrine system is an organ system comprising of the endocrine glands, the hormones that they secrete and the feedback loops that control the release of these hormones. Some endocrine glands are

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Clinical Epigenetics

Author : Augustus Drew

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426994

The study of heritable phenotype changes which do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence is known as epigenetics. It involves the changes affecting gene activity and expression. Some common mechanisms

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Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Author : Phillip Lawson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426543

"The branch of medicine focused on the functioning of the digestive system and the diverse disorders related to it is called gastroenterology. All diseases related to the internal organs from mouth to

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Clinical Nephrology

Author : Valentina Houston

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427052

The specialty of medicine that deals with the functions and diseases related to kidneys is known as nephrology. It is also related to the diverse aspects concerned with kidney health and its preservation.

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Clinical Pathology

Author : Cecilia Bryant

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427755

Clinical pathology is a specialization in medicine, concerned with the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids such as urine and blood, as well as the examination of tissue samples using cultures and automated

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Clinical Urology

Author : Ezra Martin

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632428233

"Urology, also known as genitourinary surgery, is a study of the diseases related to the urinary-tract system. It also involves the study of the disorders associated with the male reproductive organs.

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Congenital Anomalies: Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Elsa Hunt

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427786

Congenital anomalies, also known as birth defects are the conditions present at birth that affects the intellectual, developmental or physical health of an infant. Such disabilities can range from mild

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Contemporary Implant Dentistry

Author : Patricia Baker

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426109

A surgical component which serves as an orthodontic anchor between the bone of the jaw or skull and a dental prosthesis is called a dental implant. A dental prosthesis can range from a bridge, a denture

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Results 841 - 850 of 1573